Saturday, April 5, 2008

What a week...

Well, this past week has been a rather rough one. It all started last Friday, March 28th. The weather outside was really nice. I decided it was time to go out and rake some leaves because it just seemed that they were getting really out of control. I was a little worried about my back and was wondering if it might be a big mistake that I even tried to rake the leaves. I woke up on Saturday morning feeling fine. Went all through the day and then woke up on Sunday morning at about 3 am because I was all of a sudden in an extreme amount of pain. I took some aspirin and put on an aspercream patch thinking I had totally pulled a muscle. I made it through Sunday, then woke up again on Monday in severe pain. Went through Monday and lasted until about 9 pm when I called my mom in tears because the pain seemed too much to bear. I didn't know what else I could take that would lessen the pain. I took Aleve and went to bed, only to be woken up in severe pain at about 2 am. The pain was so intense that I couldn't take it anymore. I drove myself to the emergency room. When I got there I let them know that I was experiencing pain in my shoulder and chest region. They took me back right away. The nurse goes to put an IV in my right arm and can't seem to get the needle tip to enter the vain. I of course look away because I don't like needles. I look back and there is blood everywhere. My arm is covered there is a huge spot on the sheets and all he says is, "I've got bad news for you darlin. We are going to have to do this again on your left arm. (My left arm is what is killing me.)
After my blood had been drawn, a chest x-ray taken and an EKG done, I was diagnosed with something called Pleurisy. This is the inflamation or swelling of the lining of your lungs that is caused by an underlying infection or disease (I don't seem to have either an infection or a disease). EXTREMELY PAINFUL. Probably the worst amount of pain I have ever felt in my entire life. Breathing hurt, coughing hurt, yawning hurt, laughing hurt. It was very difficult to find a comfortable position to lay in. At one point, I woke up and I was sitting indian style in the middle of my bed hunched forward because that was as comfortable as I could get. All they could do for me was prescribe 800 mg of Ibuprofen and Hydrocodone.
Today I am feeling pretty well. I have not had to take any pain medication. I am proud that I have lasted a whole day without a nap, although, I am pretty tired. The doctor said that even small things are going to wear me out and make me tired for a while. Luckily I feel like the end is in sight (knock on wood.)
I have also experienced the wonderful blessing of service. I had about 10 people come over to my house on Friday evening to help me with the hard part of yard work such as raking up old fall leaves. They were here for about 3 hours and my yards look absolutely wonderful. I am so grateful for the willingness of some people who can come and help me in my time of need. I am learning that it is hard to do stuff by myself. I am also learning how to ask for help. I am very prideful in that I do not like to ask for help. Especially when a task seems so small and easy. I am also learning that it would be better to ask for help than to cause myself several days of being out of commission.
Four months from today Tom comes home. =)