Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The First Month and a Few Days

It's hard to believe that Tom has been in Japan for a month and a few days now. The time is kind of flying by quickly. Of course I don't mind that part. Tom seems to be enjoying himself and I am glad. He seems to be picking up on the language way better in Japan. I guess immersing yourself really might work. =) The pictures that I have seen really make me wish that I was over there with him. Unfortunately there were too many "cons" for both of us to spend 10 months in Japan. Seeing the pictures really make me want to visit. Now that I know that they have KFC and Denny's and Ramen Shops and Hamburger places, I am sure that getting me over there won't be so hard.
As hard as it is having Tom so far away, I am glad that he is able to have this experience. He seems to be learning quite a bit. We get to talk to each other several times a week, so that makes it a little easier.
I have been managing to keep myself busy lately. I am working quite a bit. It is kind of nice to have distractions so I don't focus so much attention on the fact that Tom isn't here.
There are a couple of events that are coming up that I am really looking forward too. The Maple Leaf Festival is this weekend. I am trying to find someone to go with. I am flying to Utah on November 1, to attend my cousins wedding reception. I am glad about that. I didn't think that I would get to go, but things worked out. For Thanksgiving, I think that there are several people in our ward who will be getting together to have dinner at the Institute Building to watch movies, play games and of course....eat Thanksgiving Dinner. Then on December 21, I will be flying to California and counting down the minutes until Tom's plane lands at LAX on the 22nd.
The hot weather in Kansas seems to be subsiding. I am very glad about that. The fall weather is approaching. With all of the warm and cold weather fronts, we have been having some exciting Rain/Thunder & Lightning storms. All of Friday night into Saturday morning there was thunder and lightning. Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well that night. At about 6:30 am, I witnessed the brightest flash of lightning and the loudest clap of thunder I have ever seen and heard. Later that afternoon, I found out that a tree was struck by lightning on the next street over. It was split in half and had to be cut down.
I like walking outside to the crisper fall weather. It beats walking outside and immediately sweating. I am sure that once winter hits and the snow/ice come and I have to scrape my windshield... I will be wishing for summer all over again.

1 comment:

Mark and Aupreille said...


I didn't know you have have a blog!? I am so glad you do so I can stay caught up with you! We need to figure out a time to meet up.

Hopefully we will be getting a new car soon so that will make us more mobile.

Love ya lots!